Marie-Louise Bechtold was introdued to our meeting by Rotarian Kim O'Grady and it was the second time that she had spoken to our club. The Healing Place is one of the charities that we hope to donate the profits to after our DockFest in July.

Here are the details of their program:


The Meeting Place Centre for Growth and Healing is a registered non-profit charitable organization that has been in existence since 2002. It was established as a vehicle to provide support and assistance in Muskoka, for people dealing with mental health challenges and illness.

It believes: In the inherent worth, dignity and uniqueness of every individual; In the right of people to speak their truth and not be silenced; That the healing of one person affects the entire world; That each individual, given the opportunity,
can choose to heal and to create a nourishing life that contributes to greater familial and community well-being.

The Meeting Place develops and oversees programs to help people in the District of Muskoka Ontario who have mental health and financial challenges, to find strategies and tools for healing.

Programs include: Financial assistance to support the healing of individuals
with limited means who have suffered from trauma; Community education to raise awareness of the effects of trauma.

Traumas can include: Physical, sexual or emotional abuse or bullying; Domestic violence; Accident, illness or loss; Abandonment or neglect.

Funds are raised primarily through donations, community-sponsored events and activities. These community events and activities are generated by the volunteer Board of Directors in partnership with individuals, businesses, and religious and service organizations. As time allows, we also pursue appropriate grants to help support programmatic and operating costs.

How Can YOU Help? Make a personal or memorial donation; (Contact us or click here to donate through Canada Helps); Name The Meeting Place in your will; Involve your business, school or service organization in Meeting Place activities; Invite a board member to make a presentation to your group; Volunteer your time as a board member or to help with fundraising activities.

Debbie K thanked the ladies on behalf of our club.







