ImageOur Club welcomed Sunnie McFadden-Curtis to our luncheon meeting to relate to us the work that she has been involved with in the subject of Bullying.

Sunnie McFadden-Curtis was welcomed to our luncheon meeting by Sequoia Henry. Sequoia you will remember was our speaker at our February 13th night meeting  where he related to us how he got involved with bullying by sticking up for a girl in his class who was being bullied;  since that time, he’s been bullied for over  two years because of this action by himself to help another student.

Sunnie a Toronto filmmaker and mother of three got involved with bullying about nine years ago, when her son experienced bullying at a very devastating level when he was in Grades 5 and 6. She said that she went as high as Queen’s Park to try to get it resolved, but I didn’t have a lot of luck.

She says of parents; your job is to protect your children. At one point that was about street-proofing them and making sure they were safe when they left the house, but now it’s more complicated.

After experiencing no support from government Sunnie developed a documentary on Bullying: Her 2008 documentary, Bullying: A Culture of Silence, addresses a subject that continues to dominate headlines, perplexing parents and politicians alike. This film was part of an International Film Festival which played in 45 cities in North America.

In reviewing the Ministry of Education resources list for schools, there are many bullying resources, including Sunnie’s  documentary, Bullying: A Culture of Silence.  

Sunnie went on to say that we all have to work together to stop bullying, as it is everywhere. Our youth are the always connected generation and on top of that with their instant communication devices, they can and do put their opinions and feelings out to the entire world in an instant by hitting SEND!!

Sunnie informed our meeting that Sequoia will be working with her in promotion and other avenues of the  anti-bullying programs and activities, We are pleased for you Sequoia!!

Debbie K. thanked Sunnie for her inspiring presentation.